Sharjah-based leading food and beverage manufacturing firms Global Food Industries and International Beverage Filling Industries introduce its latest product range that cater to the needs of an increasingly health-conscious consumer

Sharjah, UAE: UAE-based value-added food and beverage manufacturing firms Global Food Industries (GFI) and International Beverage and Filling Industries (IBFI) are taking giant steps in advancing its innovative frozen food, snacking and beverage product range by showcasing its latest offerings that meet a rapidly increasing need from consumers for healthy and delicious food and beverage options at Gulfood 2021. 

Among the key products on display at GFI and IBFI’s stand is the Al Areesh Chicken Burger made with Salicornia. Salicornia belongs to the succulent plant species from the spinach family that is rich in antioxidants and possesses antibacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. 

“Salicornia is naturally high in salt content, which reduces the need for added salt in the Al Areesh burgers thereby making it a healthier, lower sodium option against regular burgers,” explains Tina Siegismund, Head of Marketing and Innovations of GFI’s frozen products division. “And, as part of a project run by GFI together with the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), GFI supports the local farming community by purchasing Salicornia from local farmers.”

Another key highlight of GFI’s participation at Gulfood 2021 is the launch of the Al Areesh plant-based burgers made from pea protein. It is soy-free, antibiotics-free and gluten-free, which makes it safe for people who stay away from food that contains such ingredients. 

“The all-new Al Areesh plant-based burgers, which come in either chicken or beef flavor, is 100 percent produced from plant-based ingredients,” Siegismund adds. “It is therefore safe and ideal for vegetarians, vegans and a fast-growing number of flexitarians. Healthy living complemented by a healthy diet has already been a growing trend for quite some time. Such trend has been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic as people are now craving for dietary options that will help strengthen their stamina and resistance against infection.” 

“As the most competitive global sourcing platform and the first live, in-person food & beverage (F&B) sector event in almost 12 months, Gulfood 2021 is a key event for GFI and IBFI in realizing our growth aspirations over the next five years,” says Haytham El Bendary, Group Sales Director. “Apart from reuniting the global food & beverage industry under one roof, it provides us with an opportunity to update the market about our new and innovative product range, reconnect and revitalize relationships with distributors, partners and customers, and catch up on missed opportunities due to the lack of face-to-face business interaction in 2020 brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“More importantly, it also enables us to expand our new customer base,” El Bendary adds. “And because it has been a longstanding heritage of GFI and IBFI to always be there to meet consumers’ needs, we will continue to provide the market with highly innovative food and beverage products that will address consumers’ steadily increasing demand for healthy food and beverage options.”

Also on display with free sampling at the GFI and IBFI stand are the glen’da and Amara lineup of snacking products, including the newly launched glen’da Branville, the fifth product under the glen’da lineup of Digestive, Creamy Delight, Kookie and Choco Krunch biscuits, and STAR beverages with its STAR Juice sporting a brand-new look, packaging and improved taste that brings out real flavor of fruit made from pulp.

“glen’da Branville offers an easy and convenient way for people to never have to skip breakfast with the much-needed nutrients from wheat and fiber. And, as we cater to changing market trends, as well as evolving consumer preferences, we are re-introducing the STAR Juice lineup with a completely new, vibrant and modern look while bringing in extra value through its refreshing fruity taste now made with real pulp from the finest quality fruits,” says Mustafa Saeed, Head of Marketing and Innovations for all the snacking and beverages brands under GFI and IBFI. “This is testament to our zeal for innovation and growth and marks the beginning of a continuous evolution to a whole new level of our wide range of products under our various brands.” 

Gulfood 2021 runs until the 25th of February at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). Among the key leadership team members from GFI and IBFI who are on hand to welcome and engage visitors at their stand throughout the event include Ahmed Bayoumi, CEO; Haytham El Bendary, Group Sales Director; Tina Siegismund, Head of Marketing and Innovations of GFI’s frozen products division; and Mustafa Saeed, Head of Marketing and Innovations for all the snacking and beverages brands under GFI and IBFI.

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