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Global Partnership for Education to launch Case for Investment in the Middle East on 6 April

The Middle East launch of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Case for Investment will take place on 6th April at 12:00 AST in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank and Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives.

This will be a key milestone in GPE’s “Raise Your Hand” campaign which aims to secure at least US$5 billion to help transform education in 90 lower-income countries and territories which are home to one billion children. The campaign will culminate on July 28-29 in London at a landmark summit to finance GPE, co-hosted by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta.

With a deeply rooted tradition of generosity, Gulf countries have played a vital role in supporting education systems in lower-income countries.

As COVID-19 hollows out entire economies and worsens the global education crisis, GPE’s financing campaign is a unique opportunity to create systemic changes to education systems and provide the most vulnerable children with a chance to learn.

The launch of GPE’s Case for Investment in the Middle East will feature a virtual event including remarks by high-level dignitaries from GCC countries along with other senior officials representing their development funds. The launch event comes as part of a three-day visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister for Water and Sanitation of Senegal and Vice-Chair of GPE’s Board of Directors, and His Excellency Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer at Dubai Cares and GPE Regional Champion. 

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer at Dubai Cares and GPE Regional Champion commented:

The launch of the Global Partnership for Educations Case for Investment in the Middle East comes at a time when the world is grappling with a major learning crisis that can only be addressed through sustained funding and support. We are pleased to collaborate with the Global Partnership for Education to further enhance the momentum that has been created with the Raise Your Hand campaign and remain committed in our efforts to advocate for education financing and investment in the region and beyond.

Islamic Development Bank President, Dr. Bandar Al Hajjar, asserted:

The combined impact of school closures and economic hardship could push millions of vulnerable children out of education, thereby reversing decades of hard-won gains and negatively impacting on our fight against poverty. To mitigate the impact on the most vulnerable children, the GPE replenishment campaign is an opportune moment for the IsDB and the Arab donors to step up and reaffirm our commitment to fulfilling the fundamental right of every child to quality education. Our joint commitment to invest in quality education now will help shape the future ahead.

Minister Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister of Water and Sanitation of Senegal and GPE Board Vice-Chair, said:

GPE’s replenishment is a major opportunity for Middle East leaders to prioritise transformative investments in education. Through the Middle East launch of the Case for Investment, we hope to unlock education’s global potential to boost mutual respect, strengthen social cohesion, generate prosperity and build more inclusive education systems that leave no one behind. Our aim of raising at least $5 billion will be a major step towards creating more inclusive education systems that support the most vulnerable children.”

Webstream of Middle East Case for Investment launch

All media can watch the event on 6th April at 12.00 AST / 13.00 GST at https://www.globalpartnership.org/events/launch-gpe-case-investment-middle-east

Interviews previewing the Middle East Case for Investment launch

Interviews in advance of the launch to preview the event will potentially be available with the following:

  • His Excellency, Dr Tariq Al Gurg, CEO of Dubai Cares
  • Minister Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Vice-Chair, Global Partnership for Education Board of Directors
  • Alice Albright, CEO, Global Partnership for Education

About Dubai Cares:

Since its inception in 2007, Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, has been working towards providing children and youth in developing countries with access to quality education through the design and funding of programs that aim to be impactful, sustainable and scalable. To date, the UAE-based global philanthropic organization has successfully launched education programs reaching over 20 million beneficiaries in 60 developing countries.

Dubai Cares plays a key role in helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all, and promote lifelong learning by 2030, by supporting programs in early childhood development, access to quality primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training for youth as well as a particular focus on education in emergencies and protracted crises. Moreover, Dubai Cares adopts a strategic approach to improve student enrollment and learning outcomes through an integrated school health and nutrition model that is made up of school-based deworming activities, school feeding, and WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) in schools.

Dubai Cares is a member of the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN DGC), as well as a registered non-government organization under IACAD, the charitable activities regulator in Dubai. The UAE-based global philanthropic organization is authorized to raise funds through direct donations and fundraising campaigns, as well as process all permit approvals with IACAD.

Volunteerism is a powerful tool to Dubai Cares in order to engage people in tackling development challenges. Dubai Cares rallies the UAE wider community through a large spectrum of volunteering and awareness initiatives that are linked to its global mandate.

About the IsDB:

The purpose of IsDB is to foster socio-economic development in its Member Countries and Muslim Communities in non-Member Countries. The ultimate goal of the IsDB is to promote human development through investing in priority areas such as education, poverty reduction, health and governance.

About the Global Partnership for Education:

GPE is a shared commitment to ending the world’s learning crisis. It is the only global partnership and fund dedicated entirely to helping children in lower-income countries get a quality education, so they can unlock their potential and contribute to building a better world.

With nearly 20 years’ experience helping partner countries to get more girls and boys in school and learning, GPE convenes teachers, civil society, donors, United Nations agencies, development banks, businesses and philanthropists behind partner country leadership to finance and support solutions so that no child is left behind.

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