Home Pharmaceuticals Mundipharma Mundipharma partners with Munir Sukhtian Group to strengthen its consumer healthcare business...

Mundipharma partners with Munir Sukhtian Group to strengthen its consumer healthcare business with 50+ country deal for HiGeen®

Mundipharma - Standing - Darah Sukhtian Dr Ashraf Allam - Seated - Deemah Sukhtian Raman Singh
  • HiGeen® product range complements Mundipharma’s existing consumer healthcare portfolio, which includes the flagship brand  BETADINE®
  • Partnership to increases access to the HiGeen® range of products for millions of people across the Middle East and Africa region
Mundipharma - Standing - Darah Sukhtian Dr Ashraf Allam - Seated - Deemah Sukhtian Raman Singh
Mundipharma – Standing – Darah Sukhtian Dr Ashraf Allam – Seated – Deemah Sukhtian Raman Singh

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: Mundipharma has entered into a long term partnership that provides it with the commercial rights to market Munir Sukhtian Group’s portfolio of HiGeen® treatments in more than 50 countries across the Middle East, Africa

The two companies have a long history of partnership in Jordan where Sukhtian group has been Mundipharma’s distributor for several years. Munir Sukhtian group is a family-owned, diversified Jordanian company. Its HiGeen® range includes best-selling hand sanitizers, HiGeen® Harrar Massage Cream, HiGeen® Barrad Cold Gel, HiGeen® Daffaq Cream, HiGeen® HerboHeal Jaddad Ointment, HiGeen® Fungazi Foot Cream which are marketed in Europe, Asia and Latin America through distributors.

Ashraf Allam, Vice President of Mundipharma Middle East and Africa said “Mundipharma has a proud heritage in the consumer healthcare space and The HiGeen® range complements our current portfolio and fits very well with our growth and expansion strategy. Most importantly, This collaboration for HiGeen® brand products allows us to offer products from prevention to treatment and to realize further contribution to the improvement of the quality of life of patients and customers.”

Deemah Sukhtian, Managing Director of Munir Sukhtian Group said, “The complementary nature of HiGeen® and Mundipharma’s products will ensure that both companies provide a stronger proposition to patients in the area of wound care and prevention of infectious diseases. We are confident that our alliance, leveraging on Mundipharma’s expertise and global network, will enhance access to our innovative products and further improve the quality of life of patients and customers.”

About Mundipharma:
Mundipharma’s independent associated companies are privately owned entities covering the world’s pharmaceutical markets. Mundipharma is a prime example of a company that consistently delivers high quality products while standing by the values that represent the company. Our mission is to alleviate the suffering of patients with cancer and non-cancer pain and to substantially improve their quality of life. Mundipharma is dedicated to bringing to patients with severe and debilitating diseases the benefit of novel treatment options in fields such as pain, oncology, oncology supportive care, ophthalmology, respiratory disease and consumer healthcare.

About Munir Sukhtian:
Established in 1933, the Munir Sukhtian Group is a family-owned Jordanian company with diversified business across pharmaceuticals, medical and consumer products, veterinary, agriculture, and chemicals. The company has direct presence in the Middle East and works through distributors in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

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