Home Health Care Providers & Services Kaya Skin Clinic Skincare Leader emerges bolder and stronger despite tough pandemic times

Skincare Leader emerges bolder and stronger despite tough pandemic times

How Kaya Skin Clinic rose from the crisis and how the global pandemic has shaped its future

Dubai, UAE: While the COVID crisis continues to grip much of the world, regional skincare experts are putting the words of Winston Churchill “Never let a good crisis go to waste” into practice by identifying growth opportunities amid the turbulent times.

“There’s something about challenging times that brings out the best in us all. It makes us fearless and empowers us to pursue our goals with a whole new energy”, says Latika Vieira, head of marketing, Kaya Skin Clinic Middle East.

The upside of downtime

Driven by accelerated evolution, Kaya is now embracing new ways to serve its customers even as they cope with fundamental changes to how they live, work and play.

In order to ensure that their customers are cushioned against the effects of the pandemic, Kaya’s post-treatment downtime, for instance, which used to be the downside of many services, now ceases to be a concern as people are perfectly productive from home.

Delicate procedures such as plastic surgery and body treatments suddenly become easier to take, and Kaya has helped that along with enhanced capacity to serve. 

Demand and delight go hand in hand. Business has almost doubled post COVID, encouraging expanded offerings in these verticals.

Expertise comes closer 

Right from the early days of lockdown Kaya ensured that its unique dermatological expertise would continue to be within reach. Responding to the growing ease with which customers were using online channels, the Kaya brand tweaked its cutting-edge digital presence to be closer to the customer in every way possible.

Launched in September 2020, Kaya’s E-Commerce platform began to offer instant access and fulfilment with advanced skin, hair and body care products designed by its dermatologists.

“High-touch and no-contact may sound like a contradiction, but our marketing team brought it beautifully together within six months of the COVID outbreak. This has helped customers reach our skincare experts through online consultations, live chat and constant availability over WhatsApp. What’s good for customers is good for business. Kaya’s online reach has grown by almost 30% at a cost less than 20% of pre-COVID levels” said Latika. 

Empathy begins at home

Kaya nurtures its entire organisational culture around empathy and empowerment, both of which must begin at home. 

Nothing tests these values harder than a COVID-scale crisis. Business is vital and so are the profits that enable an organisation to meet its commitments. In the backdrop are anxiety and fear as people worry about how sustainable their presence can be.

Kaya made an important call that every team member would stay aboard. Despite the uncertainty, honest, transparent communication and empathetic support helped the Kaya team forget fear and find focus.

According to Latika, an employee survey, six months into COVID, delivered a 96% satisfaction score on efficient handling of the situation

Good news has a way of spreading

Business returning to about 90% of pre-COVID levels by the end of September, and a 10% uptick in value per customer, means an opportunity to acquire new talent – doctors, therapists, clinic managers, backend professionals.

Over the past few months, the industry’s top team has grown and with it, the capacity to empower more customers in their quest for beauty.

In a world shaken by existentialist dread, safety and quality have become more crucial than ever to the way customers make choices.  17 years on, Kaya has just reset the quality bar with 110 best-in-class safety norms as well as new offerings and customer processes that enhance experience and efficacy. 

“It’s a reassuring feeling when 95% of your customers are likely to recommend your brand. We’ve always known this from our customers but sometimes numbers can say it better than words,” noted Latika.

Kaya has redefined aesthetics and continued delivering a caring culture and a superior service to its clients. Whilst the world amplifies insecurity and fear, Kaya shows why they deserve their brand reputation. 

About Kaya Skin Clinic Middle East:

With a mission to deliver world class skin care in the Middle East, Kaya Skin Clinic arrived in the UAE in 2003. Opening the doors to a whole new approach that blends dermatological expertise, a refined sense of aesthetics and a culture of caring. After almost 2 decades here, it is now the region’s leading skin, hair & body care experts with a comprehensive range of offerings designed to deliver value across a fast-growing spectrum of emerging consumer needs especially like advanced dermatological solutions, body solutions and plastic surgery.

Committed to customized aesthetic care, Kaya has grown to offer its unique experience across 23 clinics covering the UAE, Oman and KSA. Catering to millions of customers in the region, the team garners a wealth of insight which helps craft Kaya’s unique brand of expertise.

Backed by the region’s largest pool of dermatological talent, the team is specially oriented to deliver the Kaya Skin Clinic brand of expert care. 

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