Elevate Your Personal Brand – One Pip at a Time ‘DESEED THE LEMON’ by Kelly Lundberg Launches March 2024

  • How to create a personal brand that authentically represents who you are and what you stand for.
  • How to build and elevate your personal brand in a simple and sustainable way.
  • The seven core elements (or slices) of personal branding  that you need to master to truly stand out – Strategy, Style,  Stationery, Social media, Spotlight, Speaking and Stand Out.
  • How to “Deseed The Lemon” — find those “pips” holding  you back from building your personal brand and remove them one by one.

Throughout the book, Kelly shares stories from some high-profile clients, as well as her own life, to show how even the smallest actions can have a significant positive effect on your personal brand when they’re carried out with care and attention to detail.

If you’re serious about growing your reputation, having an impact on the world and building stronger relationships both personally and professionally, DESEED THE LEMON will set you on the path to success.


Whilst anyone can benefit from the advice in Deseed The Lemon, this book will primarily appeal to female business owners who are either in the early stages of building their businesses, or who want to take their businesses and lives to the next level. Many women in particular, struggle with the confidence to put themselves out there and build strong personal brands alongside their business, but the world needs their stories and insights more than ever. 

In her latest book, Kelly provides not only practical steps that they can take to build and elevate their personal brands but also advice about how to overcome some of the mindset challenges associated with personal branding. Through her candid story of building her own personal brand, as well as powerful stories from her clients, she seeks to inspire the reader to take control of their story and create new and exciting opportunities in life through personal branding.

This book will therefore appeal to women who are either new to the realm of personal branding, or who understand its importance but don’t know where to start.

Why this book and why now?

More women than ever before are setting up and running successful businesses around the world. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor,women represent two in five early-stage entrepreneurs and one in three high-growth entrepreneurs. The increasingly digital nature of our society presents greater opportunities for starting and scaling a business, but also more competition.

This is why personal brand building is so important for entrepreneurs and indeed anyone who wants to advance in their career. Building a personal brand is how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. Showing the human side of your business has become increasingly important to consumers, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by building and maintaining a consistent and authentic personal brand that shares your unique talents, expertise and approach with the world.

Many women who are blazing the trail in their industries also want to encourage other women to follow in their footsteps. By sharing their inspiring stories, they show other women what’s possible and encourage them to overcome their own challenges and make a difference in the world.

About The Author:

Kelly Lundberg is a multi-award-winning serial entrepreneur, personal brand strategist, and speaker. She has had almost 15,000 attendees at her in-person and virtual appearances, and has over 5,000 active email subscribers to her brand. Her career has seen a TEDx talk, a book (Success In The City and collaborations with many well-known and highly respected brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Lenovo, and Edition Hotel.  Her podcast, The Kelly Lundberg Podcast, has over 100 episodes, establishing her as a trusted and well-known voice in the personal brand world. The show has over 30,000 downloads in 93 countries worldwide.  Kelly utilises social media to maintain consistent engagement with her brand, boasting almost 50,000 Instagram followers, and 20,000 subscribers on YouTube. Her loyal and engaged followers represent the target audience for Deseed The Lemon, being primarily women aged 25-34. She has worked with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and some of the biggest retail and luxury brands worldwide. In her work, Kelly helps her clients to elevate their personal brands to maximise income and impact. The above achievements and metrics show why Kelly is the best person to write this book. Kelly embodies the principles and core teachings of her book every single day, and this is evident across all her platforms and website.

About The Author:

Kelly Lundberg is a multi-award-winning serial entrepreneur, personal brand strategist, and speaker. She has had almost 15,000 attendees at her in-person and virtual appearances, and has over 5,000 active email subscribers to her brand. Her career has seen a TEDx talk, a book (Success In The City and collaborations with many well-known and highly respected brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Lenovo, and Edition Hotel.  Her podcast, The Kelly Lundberg Podcast, has over 100 episodes, establishing her as a trusted and well-known voice in the personal brand world. The show has over 30,000 downloads in 93 countries worldwide.  Kelly utilises social media to maintain consistent engagement with her brand, boasting almost 50,000 Instagram followers, and 20,000 subscribers on YouTube. Her loyal and engaged followers represent the target audience for Deseed The Lemon, being primarily women aged 25-34. She has worked with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and some of the biggest retail and luxury brands worldwide. In her work, Kelly helps her clients to elevate their personal brands to maximise income and impact. The above achievements and metrics show why Kelly is the best person to write this book. Kelly embodies the principles and core teachings of her book every single day, and this is evident across all her platforms and website.