Organised by Dubai Culture for 4 weeks under the theme of Sustainability Dubai Public Library Summer Camp returns

  • Abdul Rahman Younis: The camp’s activities combine arts, entertainment and learning

Dubai, UAE: Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) has prepared quality experiences and creative and artistic workshops for children aged between 8 and 13 at the Dubai Public Library Summer Camp. It will be held under the theme ‘Sustainability’ over two periods, the first from 17 to 30 July 2023, and the second from 7 to 20 August.

During the camp, the children will learn about various recycling methods, how to plan and build sustainable cities and adapt to the climate, and ways to conserve water in Dubai, explore urban green spaces and biodiversity, and environmentally friendly transportation in the emirate. They will also learn the techniques of decoupage and sculpture, cast painting, textile art, soap making, pottery and fabric colouring, and methods of making Sustain Bags, animal figures and musical instruments using recycled materials, as well as how to design aeroplanes. Throughout this period, children will experience many adventures using multimedia and will learn about the wonders of origami, as well as means of sustainable waste management, the possibilities of converting waste into art, and many more.

Abdul Rahman Younis, Acting Director of the Public Libraries Department at Dubai Culture, affirmed the importance of the experiences offered by summer camps for children, and their contribution to developing their abilities and training them to bear responsibility, in addition to its role in instilling the concept of sustainability in them and its dimensions in their daily lives, pointing out to the keenness of Dubai Culture to keep pace with the activities of the ‘Year of Sustainability’. The various activities and events that the country is witnessing shed light on the UAE’s heritage in this context. He said: “Through the activities of the Dubai Public Library Summer Camp, we seek to motivate children to present a set of innovative solutions that contribute to preserving a sustainable environment, helping them benefit from recycled materials and giving them the opportunity to engage in this field by learning about Dubai’s achievements in the field of sustainability.”

Younis added: “The camp’s workshops and activities were designed professionally, combining arts, entertainment and learning. It aims to create a creative environment capable of discovering creative talent, enhancing communication skills, positive thinking and teamwork, in addition to documenting children’s relationship with reading to ensure that they have times full of fun and benefit in a distinctive cultural atmosphere. At Dubai Culture, we aim to inspire future generations to communicate and create, and enable them to actively participate in the cultural movement taking place in Dubai and the UAE.”

On the sidelines of the camp’s activities, Dubai Culture will organise the Second-Hand Book Fair at Al Twar Library from 17 July to 20 August, through which the Authority provides a wide range of quality books at symbolic prices ranging between AED 3, 5 and 10 to enhance children’s cognitive awareness and encourage them to practice reading and making it a way of life.